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Jessica Davis

Updated: May 16, 2023

I’m going to be very honest with you right now – it’s not all in your head. It is 100% TRUE that conflicting information exists within the fitness and nutrition industry. You can search for the truth about any given topic – is the keto diet healthy? Should I do intermittent fasting? Do I need to exile fruit from my diet because it’s going to make me fat?

It’s certain that you will find both positive and negative confirmations, supported by well-documented research, on almost any subject you’re trying to dissect. I would know, because I do this all day, every day. I’m constantly reading up on the latest nutritional information available from leading experts in the space. (By the way, please eat carbs, breakfast, and fruit!).

It’s certain that you will find both positive and negative confirmations, supported by well-documented research, on almost any subject you’re trying to dissect. I would know, because I do this all day, every day. I’m constantly reading up on the latest nutritional information available from leading experts in the space. (By the way, please eat carbs, breakfast, and fruit!).

Paralyzing perfectionism

Constantly searching for the right answer can distract us from what we are really supposed to be looking for and listening to – our own inner wisdom and innate intelligence. Your body speaks to you through subtle clues. Things like small symptoms or changes to your physiology. And if you respond with curiosity, you may find that your body is directly telling ywhat it needs more or less of at all times. Thirsty or craving chocolate? You may need minerals such as magnesium. Hungry? You may need food. Crazy, I know!

The Placebo Effect

Our bodies believe our thoughts… to a degree. This doesn’t mean that you can pretend to believe a cupcake is healthy and it will magically become a healthy superfood, packed with nutrients. But it does mean that if you choose to eat a cupcake, and the entire time you’re eating the cupcake you’re also stressing about how the cupcake might make you fat and cause cancer, you’re ultimately communicating danger to your body. The problem with this is that digestion + danger do not mix. What I’m really trying to say is that using common sense, plus your intuition, plus proof (from how you feel and your general state of health) is a better bet than reading through mass amounts of studies to find your answer. When you constantly over analyze what you are eating, you run the risk of cancelling out any health benefits of the foods you choose because of the the subtle fear and stress you feel.


Every single person on the planet has their own unique metabolic fingerprint, including the make up of their gut microbiome. Even identical twins can have massively different genetic expressions – caused by epigenetic factors. What this tells me is that you can read all you want about studies performed on other people, but the real person you need to study is yourself. Get to know yourself. Get curious about what your body is communicating with you. And always ask yourself whether or not you truly feel nourished in mind, body, and spirit.

Conflicting nutritional advice can be overwhelming, but there's no shame in seeking help. As a nutritionist, I offer free consultations to help you navigate the world of healthy eating and living. Let's work together to create a personalized plan that works for you!

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